Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Choosing A Free Blog Host

Before I started Max Money Online, I did a little research into what free blogging platforms were available. While there are plenty around, after I'd weighed up all of the pro's and con's I decided that Blogger (Blogspot) was the way to go.

I looked very closely at using Wordpress but there were 2 things which held me back - one was related to making money and the other was related to spending money.

Spending Money First..

I'm cheap. Let's get that out of the way right now. I know, I know! You need to spend money to make money, but my Scottish heritage holds me back. Wordpress looks great and there are heaps of free plugins to go with it, but I would have had to buy my own domain name and buy my own web hosting. But I couldn't bring myself to do it - not for what may turn out to be a throw-away website (I don't know that anyone really wants to read about my online money making endeavours yet). So, by going the free option, all I'm out is a little of my time.

What About Making Money?

I also checked out wordpress.com where you can set up your own Wordpress blog for free. But upon closer inspection, the terms and conditions seemed to indicate I wasn't allowed to make money from the site. If I was writing about something else, I might have been able to sneak in the odd affiliate link but with my subject matter - well it's pretty obvious isn't it?

Anyway when I looked into Blogspot further, there didn't seem to be any problem with the commercial angle - in fact Google even promotes the use of Adsense on this platform. So here I am, come what may. And if I come across some get rich quick scheme that will make me a millionaire, I can always start again with my own domain and hosting.

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